I am teaching English in Korea for a year, and these are my experiences and adventures. Korea is a great country and I love it. Here's what it has offered me!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Has It Been That Long?

Wow, I guess you wouldn't want to paint me as the model of consistency, but hey, times are rough. Actually they aren't. Over the past month I have really settled in to a comfortable place here, and things have been looking really good. The weather has warmed up quite a bit, the sun has been shining (not today), and I have been studying Korean very hard. My director has taken me under his wing for Korean lessons and I have a new text book and lessons three times per week. Although I missed this Sunday's lesson, but not without good cause: I was hungover.

A rare occurance here in Korea (for me) is the hangover. I am still figuring out how I got it actually. All I did was go out for a drink with the guys, and if $20 beers at the Hyatt weren't enough to keep me from drinking too much, taxi stops at the 7-11 for beer were enough to offset. It was a full night containing gambling, drinking and suits. We looked sweet. I picked up my tailored suit that afternoon and sported it for a night on the town. Sheraton, baby, Sheraton.

It certainly was a night to remember and a Sunday to forget, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I definitely have to get out more often though. It truly was a blast and the pictures will be up soon.

"You think you are too cool for school, but I got news for you Walter Cronkite... you aren't." - Derek Zoolander



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