I am teaching English in Korea for a year, and these are my experiences and adventures. Korea is a great country and I love it. Here's what it has offered me!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Boys Night Out

Matt, Kyler and I doing out best to look sober and respectable. I will let the readers decide just how successful we are. Posted by Hello

Tim from Nanaimo, my hometown and I standing outside the Hyatt. Actually, we are in the parking lot. Posted by Hello

Olie, Chris and Kyler looking pretty good outside the Hyatt. Posted by Hello

Has It Been That Long?

Wow, I guess you wouldn't want to paint me as the model of consistency, but hey, times are rough. Actually they aren't. Over the past month I have really settled in to a comfortable place here, and things have been looking really good. The weather has warmed up quite a bit, the sun has been shining (not today), and I have been studying Korean very hard. My director has taken me under his wing for Korean lessons and I have a new text book and lessons three times per week. Although I missed this Sunday's lesson, but not without good cause: I was hungover.

A rare occurance here in Korea (for me) is the hangover. I am still figuring out how I got it actually. All I did was go out for a drink with the guys, and if $20 beers at the Hyatt weren't enough to keep me from drinking too much, taxi stops at the 7-11 for beer were enough to offset. It was a full night containing gambling, drinking and suits. We looked sweet. I picked up my tailored suit that afternoon and sported it for a night on the town. Sheraton, baby, Sheraton.

It certainly was a night to remember and a Sunday to forget, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I definitely have to get out more often though. It truly was a blast and the pictures will be up soon.

"You think you are too cool for school, but I got news for you Walter Cronkite... you aren't." - Derek Zoolander


Friday, April 16, 2004

Beer and Fruit

Here are Dong Joon, Jae and Yu-Mi. We are out again for beer and fruit. MMM. I don't know who thought beer and fruit should mix, but it certainly wasn't and isn't me.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Icelandic Girls

We met these nice Icelandic girls on a tour of one of the local temples. I was dumbfounded that there we actually people coming to Korea for a, get this, vacation! I thought that that fact alone was worth getting to know them for. We went out for a nice dinner and we parted ways, but they were very nice as I am sure all Icelandic people are.