Who... Me?
With a week to go here in Korea, you'd think I was really liked. After all this time, I thought I was merely a novelty for the Korean people I have been around. Up until about a month ago my existence was acknowledged, but certainly not celebrated. Then things started to change.
I have been a hot commodity lately. I have been invited out to all kinds of fun events. Just last week I almost had my face burnt off during a fire show. It was an early birthday present from some Korean friends. Two weeks ago, I got to go on a trip with some Korean people including two of the teachers at the school. It was great fun and probably something I couldn't have experienced on my own. Now, with just the week to go, I am having trouble scheduling in all the people that want to have one last drink or bite to eat.
I am not just bragging; there is a point to all this. It seems to me that the Korean people that have been around me all this time were just shy. However, it came across as indifference. Now that I am leaving there is no reason to be shy and they really want to show me how they feel. What all this shows again is that I am inept in social situations. I had no clue that all these people wanted to go out all year, but were perhaps too shy to ask.
I am a case study in social incompetence,
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