I am teaching English in Korea for a year, and these are my experiences and adventures. Korea is a great country and I love it. Here's what it has offered me!

Friday, June 11, 2004

What a Week!

This past week we had visitors and it was a great week. I felt like a tourist again and enjoyed the little vacation. Time went by fast, but we packed a lot in. We started the week off with a great sunburn from the roof of our place and a hike up Inwang Mountain. We learned that the police have a presence at the top since the president's house is visible from top and there was an assassination attempt in the 80s. That hike plus no sunscreen turned me into Burnt Backerat... is this thing on?

Anyways, the rest of the week was jam-packed full of drinking (Poyo Pop), eating (Poyo Pop) and shopping (Poyo Pop). Did I mention Poyo Pop? Poyo Pop (or Poyo Pop Feverrrrr in its entirety) is a Doctor Mario- type games that is as addictive and more dream-invading. For nights, visions of coloured bubbles falling down to make 3, 4, even 5 chains were all my dreams consisted of. Don't worry though; all that video game playing was not in vain. Think, you are reading the very words of the undisputed Poyo Pop champion of my world. (Carrie is now giving me a run for my money.)

Weather is warming up now... in the 30s last week and getting hotter again. No air conditioning should be interesting.


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