I am teaching English in Korea for a year, and these are my experiences and adventures. Korea is a great country and I love it. Here's what it has offered me!

Saturday, February 21, 2004

A Time-Honoured Practice

So Koreans hit their kids. I was musing to a friend who has been to Korea over email that it is like a national passtime, and that often the kids will hit back. Well, in poetic fashion he replied that this first seems cruel and unusual, but after getting to know the kids you wonder why they don't hit them harder. Well, all kidding aside, I don't agree with corporal punishment, but who am I do be so enthocentric.. have at 'er! Ok, maybe all kidding wasn't aside.

Yesterday, after my director's four-year old son put up a fuss over I-don't-know-what full with crocodile tears and such, my director taught him how to administer corporal punishment by flicking the forhead with a fingernail. They practiced for a while on each other and I was honoured to have witnessed the age old Korean tradition of corporal punishment being passed on to yet another generation.


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